
Smart Insights For Smart Customers

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Sub Freezing temps are coming to SOMD!

We are about to witness a massive cold front hit Southern Maryland and stick around thru Christmas. Here are some helpful tips and what to expect from your heating system. Depending on the type of heat source you have, I came up with a quick list of things you should...

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What is the most energy-efficient heating system?

Winter heating is a major expense for many people and can make up about half of your annual home energy bill. If you’re looking to cut back on your costs and be kinder to the environment, switching to an eco-friendly heating system is a brilliant idea. Here at R.E...

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What is Dirty Sock Syndrome?

You turn on your air conditioner and you smell… …dirty gym socks. What is happening? While “Dirty sock syndrome” sounds like a colloquialism, it’s the official term heating and air conditioning professionals use for this problem. The odor comes from your vents, fills...

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